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Valentine's Day Special Offer!
Plus 5 tips for attracting love!

Sick of being single on Valentine’s Day?
Find love with Feng Shui!
Make 2018 your year for love!


  • Remove physical, mental and emotional blocks that are inhibiting you from finding love

  • Enhance your Love and Relationships sector to attract love into your life

  • Get specific with tools to help you attract exactly what you want

  • Influence your love life through your surroundings

  • Harness energies of relationships brought about by 2018 and Feng Shui Flying Stars!


This year, give yourself the best chance and Feng Shui Your Way to love and relationships!


2018 is a 2 year in Numerology
(2+0+1+8 = 11 | 1+1=2).
2 years foster energies of love, relationships, emotions and partnership. We have just come off the back of 2017, which was a 1 year, relating to self, independence and new beginnings and now we are entering a 2 year, with a focus on coming together and again, on partnerships and relationships.
Additionally, with Valentine’s Day approaching, love is certainly in the air and what an opportune time to harness this power and use it to our advantage!


How I found love with Feng Shui!
10 years ago, I really wanted a boyfriend. A friend of mine at the time had an interest in Feng Shui. She had a look at the Love and Relationships sector of my room and gave me a few tips.
At that time, I had over 200 posters on my walls. My friend pointed out that all the posters in my Love and Relationship sector only had one person in the photo. She advised to swap all these posters out for ones with 2 people in them and also suggested adding pairs and pink to this sector as well as a few other incredibly powerful suggestions!
I took her advice and applied all the things she had mentioned. 3 days later, I had a boyfriend! From that moment I was hooked on Feng Shui having experienced immediate and tangible effects of it!


I want to share that with you. I want to help you experience that same success in finding love that I did!

The format is a 2-hour one-on-one consultation focusing exclusively on areas of the home that influence relationships. From the years of experience I have had working with clients and their spaces, I find this focused approach returns the best and most immediate results. 

So, if you’re sick of being single and alone on Valentine’s Day – or at any time of the year – let’s work together and apply powerful Feng Shui techniques, coupled with the energies of love and partnership that 2018 brings!



Valentine’s Day Special Offer
What you Get!


  • 2-hour one-on-one consultation, focused entirely on attracting (or improving) love and relationships

  • Focus on 2 key relationship areas
    - Love and Relationships sector – the are of the home that relates to and governs romantic love and relationships
    - Master bedroom – the relationship room of the house. This has a large effect on relationships and enhancing this area can help to attract love and quality relationships.  


  • Exclusive Feng Shui tips and techniques to attract love including
    - Tips for enhancing the Love and Relationships sector
    - Tips for the maximising love energy in the master bedroom (the relationship room of the home)
    - Easy exercises to get clear and specific on what you want and to create a relationship vision
    - Instructions for writing a letter to your future partner (BONUS)
    - Tips and tricks I have personally used that resulted in me being in a relationship 3 days later!


  • Your PERSONAL Feng Shui facing direction for success in love and relationships (calculated from your personal kua number)

  • A list of enhancers for the Love and Relationships sector​

  • Feng Shui Flying Star Summary
    Stay one step ahead of bad luck and harness good relationship luck with a summary of period and annual Flying Stars for:
    - Love and Relationships sector
    - Master bedroom
    - Location of the 4 love and romance star (can positively affect relationships)
    - Location of the 3 argument star (can negatively affect relationships)


  • Ongoing contact and support while implementing recommendations and for any issues or questions following on from the consultation

  • Guidance to correctly applying and implementing the below tips (as well as other techniques) to improve your Relationship Feng Shui

  • A FREE report detailing observations and recommendations made during the consultation and outlining suggested changes

  • A follow up consultation for half price!



Why wait? Get yourself a date!

Email now to book!





5 Tips for Attracting Love!
Make 2018 your year for love with Feng Shui!​


Tip #1 - Set the Intention

It may sound corny and cliché, but Feng Shui is all about intention. So set the intention to attract love into your life!

Tip #2 - Matching Bedside Tables

Matching bedside tables foster equality in a relationship where both people and their needs are valued equally. This is the number one way to boost bedroom Feng Shui for relationships!


Tip #3 - Pink and Red as Activators

Pink is the colour for the Love and Relationship sector and red is an activating colour. To attract love, wear pink or red, or carry a red or pink item with you.

Tip #4 - Get Clear and Specific
When manifesting anything, you want to be as clear and specific as possible about what you want.


Tip # 5 - Locate and Enhance Love and Relationships Sector

Add the colours pink and beige here, along with pairs of items and other Feng Shui enhancers.


In the consultation special above, I show you how to do all of these and MORE!



Copyright 2016 Feng Shui Your Way

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